It’s been a busy couple of months for our very own Amy Boggs. She’s had a flurry of media activity, from live appearances on TV news channels to participating in discussions on Podcasts and commenting on articles.

But it’s no wonder. The reason it’s been a hectic time for Amy is that it’s been a hectic time for homeowners across Florida as they battle it out with the insurance companies following the 14 named storms of the Atlantic Hurricane Season 2022. Many homes took a beating, and several lives were lost, leaving our communities devastated. 

As an attorney and the Property Section Chair for the Florida Justice Association, Amy has seen what people have gone through after Hurricane Ian and how hard it has been to get reimbursed. Amy knows that the media is a great way to share an important message: there is help available to homeowners. 

Let’s look at 10 of Amy’s most memorable media moments:

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