Living in Florida, where hurricanes are a yearly concern, it’s essential for condominium owners to be prepared and proactive in safeguarding both their home and their community. With storms capable of causing severe damage, taking the right steps can make all the difference. As a member of your condominium association, it’s important to stay informed, involved, and ready to act. At Boggs Law Group, we emphasize the importance of preparation and ensuring you have the necessary insurance coverage to protect your property.

Here’s a guide for condominium owners to help you prepare for hurricanes, minimize risks, and safeguard your home and community.

1. Review and Update Insurance Coverage

One of the most crucial actions you can take as a condominium owner is to ensure that both you and your association have proper insurance coverage. Ensure you fully understand what your homeowner’s policy covers, particularly for flood and windstorm damage—two of the most common forms of hurricane-related damage. It’s essential not to assume that your standard policy will cover everything. You may need additional coverage like flood or windstorm insurance. It’s also important to encourage your association to review its policy and ensure the building and common areas are fully covered.

2. Be Familiar with Your Community’s Hurricane Plan

A comprehensive hurricane preparedness plan is vital for the safety of the entire condominium community. Make sure you are familiar with:

  • Evacuation routes and procedures: Know where you’ll go if there’s an evacuation order, and stay informed about evacuation zones.
  • Communication methods: Be aware of how the association will communicate updates before, during, and after a storm. This might include emails, text alerts, or even designated phone chains.
  • Pre-storm preparations: Understand the tasks that will be completed, such as securing common areas and trimming trees. If you’re able, pitch in to help secure the property.
  • Post-storm recovery: Familiarize yourself with the steps the association will take after the storm, including damage assessments and filing insurance claims.

Knowing the plan will help ensure you are prepared and avoid confusion during a hurricane emergency.

3. Help Secure the Property

As a homeowner, you can take steps to protect both your unit and the common areas:

  • Clear drainage systems: If you have access to storm drains or gutters near your unit, ensure they are clear of debris to help prevent flooding.
  • Secure your patio or balcony: Bring in or tightly secure furniture, potted plants, and other items that could become dangerous projectiles in strong winds.
  • Inspect your unit: Check your windows, doors, and any outdoor-facing walls to make sure they are in good condition and able to withstand strong winds and rain.
  • Support association efforts: If your condominium association is trimming trees or securing common areas, lend a hand or ensure these efforts are being properly managed.

4. Have Your Emergency Supplies

While your condominium association may have supplies in common areas, you must prepare your emergency kit. Stock up on:

  • Non-perishable food and water for at least three days
  • Flashlights, batteries, and a portable phone charger
  • First aid supplies
  • Sandbags to protect your doors and windows from flooding
  • Tools to shut off utilities if necessary

Make sure your family and neighbors know where your supplies are, and check with the association on any community-wide preparedness efforts.

5. Document Your Home’s Condition

If a hurricane causes damage to your home, having the right documentation will be critical when filing an insurance claim. Before the storm hits:

  • Take photos or videos of your unit’s interior and exterior, showing its current condition.
  • Create an inventory of your valuable items, including furniture, electronics, and important documents.
  • Safeguard important paperwork like insurance policies, maintenance records, and your inventory list in a waterproof container or digital format.

Being prepared with proper documentation will help expedite the claims process if you need to file for damages after a storm.

6. Have Legal Support Ready

Even with solid insurance coverage, disputes with insurance companies can arise. If your claim is delayed, underpaid, or denied, it’s important to have an experienced insurance claims attorney on your side. Boggs Law Group is here to support condominium owners like you through the complex claims process. We can assist with damage assessments, and negotiations with insurers, and ensure you receive the compensation you’re entitled to.

Final Thoughts

Hurricanes are a serious threat in Florida, but with careful planning and preparation, condominium associations can minimize the damage and ensure the safety of their residents. By working closely with insurance professionals, maintaining the property, and having a clear plan in place, you can mitigate risks and recover more quickly from any storm that comes your way.

If you need assistance with your insurance claims or have any questions about protecting your property, Boggs Law Group is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist your condominium association in navigating the complexities of hurricane preparedness and insurance claims.